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The Best Time To Eat
October 23, 2009, 6:16 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

When losing weight there is an obvious need to educe energy intake but once the diet is established, it’s quite possible to go above the number of estimated calories needed to lose weight.
To try to compensate for these occasional “off days” we could try eating meals at a time when the energy would be more likely used effectively to replace nutritional needs and less risk that excess energy will be placed on the hips as fat. So when would be the best time to eat foods?

Some experts say the best time to eat food is when we feel hungry as this is the natural way our body is telling us we require nutrients or energy. The problem is some people always feel hungry and nibbling on high-energy foods is partly the reason a few of us became overweight in the first place. I believe the best time to consume energy is when the body is at its most active, a time when the metabolism has been elevated or when there is a need for extra nutrition. Perhaps the first instance should be in the morning, starting with a good breakfast, remember while asleep the cells have had no nutritional supply for up to ten hours. If losing weight is the goal cells must be ready for an active day ahead. Also the body needs it’s supply of essential nutrients in the morning, especially protein, because excess or circulating proteins have been used up to help recover or grow muscles, hair, skin, nails or to create millions of antibodies to defend against natural airborne bacteria that may have entered the body during sleep. If the body does not obtain a regular supply of essential proteins for maintenance and growth then muscle protein must be broken down to top up a “protein pool” within the blood. The problem with this process is if it continues it lowers the metabolism and may cause hunger pains mid-morning or early afternoon. The hunger could be driven in order to replenish the protein taken from muscle cells. Having a good breakfast is so important for health and weight control.

Another good time to eat is after exercise. I always have my biggest meal of the day about 30-45 minutes after a weight training session. During this time enzymes responsible for energy production are most active and energy-storing hormones within the blood are suppressed. This means there will be less chance energy will be stored as fat. Carbs will be immediately taken up to replenish the low glycogen stores caused through training, protein will be needed to aid recovery and growth of new calorie-burning muscle tissue and most of the fat from the meal will be needed to fuel many of these reactions. After a good workout most meals are likely to be utilized completely for recovery. This is probably the best time to eat during the day.

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